We offer a newsletter of what is going on in our orgaization to all of those interested... The newsletter contains
information about haunted places, outings, new members and seminars. While we are a two fold organization (one part
business and the other part community organization) we welcome all people to join the group. The newsletter is featured
once a month and will eventually become bi-weekly for all of those interested sign up for the free newsletter.
Public Investigations:
Public investigations are for our members and friends who are interested in going on an investigation to check out the techniques
that we use. We will be having a public investigation once a month at a random place. All investigation last approximately
2 hours. Contact us if you are interested in joining the fun.
Employment Opportuinites Available:
Please include name, phone number, address, experience, verifiable references, resume and the resons why you feel
that you'd be an asset to our team.