Your staff was so professional and informative that all of my fears were put to rest. They gave me information on the
spirit in my home and helped the spirit to move along to a better place. I have had no issues since. M. Andersen
Long Beach, CA I thought at first that there was nothing wrong in my business and that the noises I heard
were pipes and the foundation until I noticed someone walking behind me and saw shadows walking around. I wanted more information
about the spirits in my business so I contacted your group. I quickly found out why they were there and what they wanted and
you gave me the option to either cleanse or extract. I chose to keep the spirits there because all I wanted was to know what
they were. Your staff was so knowledgable and helpful that I was given the piece of mind that I wanted. Thanks so much
for all of the help. Andrew Moritz Fullerton, CA I never beleived in ghosts and spirits until I went on an
investigation with your teams. We had a blast and instead of fearing them, I have come to acknowledge and accept them. Thanks
so much for all of the fun and information!!! Genie Richards South Gate, CA